Research Project about Mobile Learning
We are proud to participate in the joint research project “Mobile Learning - process-oriented information and learning in changing work environments”, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The project is initiated from the University “FernUniversität in Hagen, other partners are the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) and the truck factory of Daimler in Mannheim.
In our research project, we develop a system to support young professionals starting their work life as electronic technicians. In Germany, they take some time in an evocational school, but most of their time they work in the craftsman’s business and often on changing buildings sites. So they are always on the move. And mobile phone is the best medium to reach people on the move.
An important part of out system is the interface for the teachers. They can access the system with any internet-ready computer from their desk.
So in the research project, we develop an integrated system with mobile software, content optimized for mobile usage and web based services for communication. And we will evaluate the system in practice.
You find more information at the official web page of the joint research project:
Project Supporters